Spring cleaning plumbing checklist

11th Sep 2020

Spring cleaning plumbing checklist

Spring is almost here, and as you think about the annual spring cleaning of your home, we suggest that you also give your plumbing system a good check too. To make sure you've got everything covered, we've complied this handy check list.

  • Check your drains, gutters and down pipes for any winter debris, often spring can be a wet time of year so you want to make sure that your drains are running freely. Also make sure that your pipes and vents are clear of bird nests, leaves sticks etc.
  • Check your taps for leaks – after the cold winter we just experienced your outside water supply tap could easily have frozen and cracked. This pipe will leak and should be replaced as soon as possible so check all outside taps and give us a call if you need to get them fixed.
  • Check your water supply lines to any fixtures that are using water such as washing machines, toilets etc. If you see any bulges or leaks then get these lines replaced.
  • Check for any slow leaks by taking a water meter reading before bedtime. The next morning check again, and if you didn’t use any water over night the reading should be the same. If the reading has changed you have a leak that you should get repaired.
  • Spring is also a great time to book a chimney sweep, you should do it annually so booking it in with your spring clean is as good a time as any.
  • A great trick for cleaning your shower head is to get a zip lock bag and fill it with white vinegar. Put the bag on the shower head and secure it with a couple of heavy duty rubber bands. Leave the bag in place for 24 hours and the mineral deposits should breakdown and leave your shower head sparkling.
  • Toilets often leak, so a great way to check for any leaks is to add some food colouring to your toilet tank. If there is a leak the food colour should show up in your toilet bowl in 30 minutes or less.
  • Give a plumber a call to clear any slow clearing drains - you want to get this sorted before next winter.
  • Every year, an expert should drain your water heater tank, this will ensure that it keeps the tank in good condition. Flushing the tank helps prevent corrosion and will get rid of any sediment build up that could rust out the tank. 

We hope you find this checklist handy. If you have any questions or want to book a job, give us a call on 03 448 8500.Completing this inspection now will help you discover sooner and not later any damages caused by a long, cold winter, which in turn could save you a lot of problems next winter when jack frost pops up again!